Carven Holcombe
Varsity Boys
I am currently the Varsity basketball coach for Dallas HSAA. We are a very competitive high school group that play a competitive schedule. As a coach, I want to skill and develop our kids on the proper way to play the game of basketball.
We have been successful in the past few years with winning seasons. In 2021, our team won the gold ball and we competed in the Homeschool National Championship game. We ended the season ranked #2 in the nation, along with having several district and regional championships.
Our goal is to build responsible and respectful young men that play to give God all the glory.
•Hometown: Houston, Texas
•High School Player of the Year (Texas ) 1983
•#1 Recruit in the state of Texas
•Texas Christian University (1983-1987)
•1983 Southwest Conference Player of the Year
•1987 Southwest Conference Player of the Year
•NBA draft pick to Cleveland Cavaliers in 1987
•Played Professional in Europe for 6 years in France, Belgium, and Israel
•Coached private and public school teams for 11 years
•Going into 5th year as Varsity coach with Dallas HSAA